Thailand - The Land Of Worn And Tired Smiles

Away from all the polemics, the disinformation spouted by the propaganda machines, the vitriol, the accusations and counter-accusations, the power plays by those hungry for control and self-enrichment, there is another Thailand.

Take away the tiny minority of trouble-makers in the pro-democracy camp, and what do we have left? A mighty majority of ordinary folk who ask only for the right to live in peace, the means to feed and clothe their families, and with a minimum of basic human rights - including one man, one vote.

Here are the real people of the Land Of Smiles.

Which puppeteer will end up pulling the Thai people's strings when this crisis is done?

(All photos from today's pro-democracy rally and concert in Chiang Mai... click on any image to see the full-size photo).

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pete

Interesting post. Thanks for sharing and showing us the human face of the whole political situation.
Hopefully the organisers of the rallies will think about banning alcohol though.